
Why B2B marketer’s presence is required on social media?

To become successful with the effectiveness of social media marketing strategy, we must become the social media guinea pigs. In this case, we are properly accustomed to create the campaigns and programs. After then it is important to stand back for proper observation. Social media demands proper involvement which is very personal. For this reason, it is quite vital for us to start making our expertise area in social media platform today. If social media is not yet situated at the top area of our marketing schedule (in this case our way of researching procedure is shown among the B2B marketers and that is nothing).

Here are some significant reasons which you require to get proper result at this substance before your company approaches:

Social media is continuously on for the online users. Conversation about your company does not stop while your call center empties or closes your email inbox. Much of the excitement for Twitter users is considered as the synchronous, real-time nature of this streaming flow of conversation. The river of words flows by and you can jump in or watch it disappear around the bend. It presents a big challenge for the marketers who are trying to monitor what is being said about their brands. You need to be involved in social media in order to monitor it.

Social media is divided between two ways. Social media acts as a conversation as well as community throughout sharing. Social media is, by definition, two-way. It is quite different from our traditional marketing campaigns and programs. These are based in individually developed messages that are broadcast—and then abandoned to fend for themselves. Social media marketing does not emerge fully formed, ready to go out and conquer the world; it is the needy kid parked on the couch that talks back and requires constant attention and support. You need to learn how to develop messages from within social media, not from outside it—and then you need to nurture those messages continuously over time.

Social media interrupts the marketing processes and structures. When you control and construct the programs and messages yourself, you can go back home with a clear conscience at the end of a day. Hierarchical structures and linear processes work fine because everything has a timeline and a beginning, middle, and end (launch). Social media launches every week, or every day—and sometimes, when you least expect it. Few marketing groups are creating dedicated social media teams or roles, so most marketers will see social media intrude upon and disrupt the work patterns and expectations we have all come to understand. Developing a personal understanding of how it all works will make it less disruptive.

Social media is considered as a social connection. It is not considered as only a business, but as a phenomenon also. Business and marketing both are amalgamated at the hip. Changes in one automatically affect the other. But social media is developing in a separate world: popular culture. The effects on business and marketing are less direct and harder to predict and absorb. Mark Zuckerberg has made more progress in socializing the web in the last two years with Facebook than Ray Ozzie has in 20 years (anybody remember Lotus Notes and groupware?).

The real innovation in social media is happening outside of the worlds of business and IT—and then pushing inexorably into the enterprise as employees fight to bring the ease of communication they have at home with them to work. The line between our business lives and personal lives have never been blurrier. Developing a personal presence in social media will bring that line into better focus and make your social media marketing efforts more effective.

Social media causes fear. Buried beneath our demands for an ROI accounting of the value of social media is something more primitive: fear. Anything that has the power to destroy industries (journalism) and redefine politics (the Obama campaign—actually the Howard Dean campaign, but nobody remembers him) has the power to inspire fear. That’s because humans are hard wired to resist change (the unfamiliar could get us killed in our caveman days).

Longtime social media evangelist Stowe Boyd points out that businesses had the same concerns about putting telephones on the desks of employees in the years after WWII (they’ll just waste people’s time, they’re a security threat, the direct link to revenue isn’t there) that they’re voicing about social media today.

Of course, those concerns were and are legitimate, but no doubt they are also rooted in our fear that perhaps this stuff really will change all the business habits we’ve grown so comfortable with over the past century. (And for the record, the definitive ROI study on the use of telephone communications in business never arrived—the telephone moved directly to unquestioned necessity within a few years.)

Don’t stop waiting for proof of social media ROI, but question the logic that resists doing anything until that proof arrives. Don’t assume that your company or your marketing group is being smart by waiting; assume that at least some of that resistance is grounded in fear and complacency. Even more reason to build your personal expertise while others wait.